


Advisor, X Vision Security Service (Pvt)  Lt Col (R) Dr. Talat Shabbir

Dr. Talat Shabbir holds PhD in International Relations from Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. He has MPhil in International Relations from University of Karachi, Masters in International Relations from University of Balochistan and Masters in Political Science from University of Punjab. His research areas are Pakistan, South Asia, Belt and Road Initiative, CPEC and Pakistan-China relations. Dr. Talat has been a visiting scholar at Sigur Centre for Asian Studies, George Washington University, USA. He has been on the faculty of Institute of Strategic Studies Research and Analysis (ISSRA), National Defence University (NDU) where he was assigned to conduct national security workshop and national media workshop. Besides editing the Strategic Studies, the HEC recognized journal of Institute of Strategic Studies, he is Chief Editor of Quarterly PIVOT Magazine of the Institute. He regularly contributes to national as well as international newspapers on issues of domestic, regional and global political issues and participates in panel discussions on various TV channels focusing on issues impacting Pakistan. Dr. Talat Shabbir has authored a book titled “Creating Shared Futures, Pakistan-China: A Journey of Trust and Friendship” and has edited a book titled “Higher than Karakoram: Seven Decades of Pakistan-China Partnership”. Besides, Dr. Talat also has literary interests and has three books to his credit, a book of short stories and two books are collection of his select poetry.

Dr. Talat Shabbir has diverse experience of management, administration, public relations, advocacy, HR and media. During his thirty years long career in the Army, he has been in Military Police and handling high level security assignments.